
Silva Launches Reelection Bid in Classy Setting--High School

Orange County Supervisor Jim Silva looked into his political future Tuesday as he announced his reelection plans to a Marina High School government class.

“These are the future voters and leaders of our community,” Silva said of his audience at the Huntington Beach campus.

The setting was familiar to the chairman of the supervisors. He taught high school civics for 27 years before he began his political career and won two terms as a Huntington Beach councilman.


So when government teacher Pete Snetzinger asked Silva to address his class, the supervisor decided it was an ideal place to launch his 1998 campaign.

Silva’s talk about public safety, the county’s 1994 bankruptcy and the future of El Toro Marine Corps Air Station appeared to go over well with the voters-to-be, some of whom may even be eligible to vote by the June 2 election.

“Silva did a good job answering my questions and he’s done a good job as supervisor,” student David Wagner said. “I’d vote for him if I could.”
