
Buddy Lee; Agent for Country Music Stars

Buddy Lee, 65, the agent for such country music stars as Willie Nelson and Garth Brooks. A native of the Bronx in New York City, Lee began his career as a professional wrestler, eventually headlining Madison Square Garden. Later he moved into promotion, and in the late 1950s moved to Columbia, S.C., to promote rhythm and blues and rock ‘n’ roll shows. He soon moved to Nashville and in 1964 became the agent for Hank Williams Jr. Four years later, Lee took over the agency and renamed it Buddy Lee Attractions. He pioneered the promotion of country talent for state fairs by attending organizers’ conventions. Lee also helped Nelson organize the first in a series of Farm Aid concerts, lining up 80 artists in five weeks’ time. Lee was selected agent of the year in 1986 by the Nashville Assn. of Talent Directors. On Friday in Houston of respiratory failure.
