
My Favorite Weekend

Director Penelope Spheeris’ film “Senseless” opens Friday.

Offbeat Dining: I love to go to dinner with my boyfriend, Sin, at India’s Oven, Mexica or Lumpy Gravy on Beverly Boulevard. After dinner, we go to Bar Deluxe on Las Palmas, where a lot of people from the original punk rock days hang out.

Cleaning Out the Garage: Saturdays, I like to check out the Hancock Park garage sales. I’m a freak for antique mirrors, lamps and ceramics, and my house is full of them. About my least favorite thing to do on a Saturday is clean out my own garage, which is full of the crap from garage sales!

On the Boulevard: Ever since I made the documentary “The Decline of Western Civilization” about homelessness 19 years ago, I try to take an afternoon on the weekends and drive up Melrose Avenue or Hollywood Boulevard, where a lot of homeless kids walk around. I take them out to lunch or hang out with them for a while.


Feel the Noise: Saturday nights, we go to one of the big places like the Palladium or the Palace for loud, obnoxious music like Megadeth or Sisters of Mercy.

Crosses and Daggers: If it’s the second Sunday of the month, I go to the Rose Bowl flea market. Sin and I collect antique crucifixes, swords and daggers, so we’re always looking for those.

Family Night: Sundays, I cook dinner for Anna, my daughter, and Baron, my 9-month-old grandson. I get to give the baby all the presents I bought for him over the weekend at the swap meets. Recently I bought him a Mickey Mouse bouncy toy from the 1950s.
