

Wendy’s International was the top advertiser in national cable and broadcast sports programming for the week ended Feb. 1, airing 146 commercials for 83.8 rating points. Here is a look at the top 10 sports advertisers that week.


Brand/product Household rating* Ads shown Wendy’s fast food 83.8 146 Nike footwear 76.8 132 MCI telephone services 74.8 129 Anheuser-Busch’s Bud Light beer 72.7 96 Mars Snickers bar 70.5 45 Miller Lite beer 63.6 42 Sony “Replacement Killers” film 62.1 79 U.S. Army recruitment 61.4 44 Miller Genuine Draft beer 56.8 34 AT&T; telephone services 56.1 53


* Each rating point represents 980,000 homes.

Source: Nielsen Media Research Monitor-Plus Service
