
Police Call for Tests of Massage Applicants

To help ensure that massage parlors are not fronts for prostitution, police will ask the City Council on Monday to more closely scrutinize applicants seeking business licenses.

Vice detail officers are asking that all applicants be tested on their knowledge of massage, safety procedures and other elements of the profession, a practice already underway in Newport Beach.

Costa Mesa already does background checks of applicants.

Police hope the tests (the lowest acceptable score is 70%) and the checks will weed out prostitutes.


“You can’t paint with a wide brush here,” said Police Chief David L. Snowden.

“There are a lot of legitimate massage therapists in our city and surrounding jurisdictions. It’s our aim to get rid of the ones that aren’t.”

Some prostitutes, according to police, buy fake diplomas that they present with their applications.

The City Council will review the Police Department request Monday at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive.


Information: (714) 754-5223.
