
Nomination of Margaret Morrow

The current debate over confirmation of federal judicial nominees may be deemed by some to be a “tempest in a teapot”(Opinion, Jan. 11), but the battle is having a disproportionate toll on the confirmation of women candidates to the federal bench. A review of pending nominations indicates that of the 14 longest delayed, 12 are either white women or minorities of either sex.

The nomination of Margaret Morrow to the federal district court in Los Angeles has been pending for over 600 days, despite her impeccable credentials and strong bipartisan support. Critics contend that Morrow’s membership in California Women Lawyers illustrates her extremist bent. The Women Lawyers Assn. of Los Angeles, the local affiliate of CWL, has a membership of over 1,100 men and women. Our members hold a range of political viewpoints but share a concern for full participation of women lawyers and judges in the legal profession and for maintaining the integrity of our legal system by advocating principles of fairness and equality. The assertion that it is radical to belong to a voluntary bar association dedicated to promoting equal opportunities for women would be laughable if it weren’t so sad.

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott has scheduled a floor debate on Morrow’s nomination shortly; we look forward to her confirmation.



Public Policy Committee


Women Lawyers Assn. of L.A.
