
What they’re saying:

“Her greatest fear is wearing the proverbial scarlet letter of indictment and conviction for the rest of her life and the possibility of spending some very unsavory time in a prison.”

“We are dying to tell the story, but we cannot.”

“Jeopardy is like a giant steamroller coming right at you. We are frozen in place like a doe in the headlights. Until we get immunity, we absolutely cannot talk.”

William Ginsburg, Monica S. Lewinsky’s attorney


“If there is truth to these allegations, I believe that on Tuesday night the president should go before the country and confess serious error on his part and ask for public forgiveness.”


David Gergen, former presidential adviser


“I think if the allegations which have been made in this case are true, and I hope they’re not, it’s sad for America. But if they are true, then the president has disgraced himself, his office, and should resign.”

Sen. John Ashcroft (R-Mo.)


“There’s not going to be any resignations or any such thing as that. But I tell you what there’s going to be; there’s going to be a war. And the friends of the president are disgusted by these kinds of tactics, and we’re going to fight, and we’re going to fight very hard to defend this president.”

James Carville, presidential adviser


“The law requires (Starr) to report to us any credible, substantive evidence that might be impeachable. And when that happens, it’s time enough for us to kick in.”


“I think Mr. Clinton won two elections, and I think the public had some questions, . . . but they still elected him. People say they vote Dow Jones, not Paula Jones.”

Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee


“On the State of the Union speech on Tuesday, there’s going to be a big cloud hanging over the House chamber as we all gather there to hear the president. So that I think we really want to see what is going to happen here.”

Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.)
