
Arts Focus of Workshop

A one-day workshop called “The Arts Go to School” will emphasize easy-to-learn, hands-on, practical strategies for teaching the arts in classrooms.

The daylong workshop--open to all teachers in grades kindergarten through eight, administrators, parents and artists--will be held July 15 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum near Simi Valley. Registration is $99.

The event is sponsored by the Ventura County superintendent of schools and the Ventura County Arts Council.


The workshop will be led by Lanie Keystone, a former arts coordinator for Santa Barbara County schools now with the national program called “The Arts Go to School.”

“The arts are basic to learning, yet art programs have been the first to be cut as funding for California schools has decreased,” Keystone said.

Reservations are required and limited to 40 participants. Anyone wishing to attend should contact the Ventura County Arts Council at 498-7214 for details. The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is at 40 Presidential Drive.
