
Ex-Coach Given 3 Years of Probation on Sex Charge


A former Simi Valley High School assistant track coach was sentenced Friday to three years on probation for having sex with a minor.

In denying the district attorney’s request to imprison Robert America for 270 days, Judge Edward Brodie said--without elaboration--that a letter of remorse submitted by the 23-year-old man was “enlightening.” Brodie added several conditions to the sentence, including orders that America pay a $200 fine.

The sentencing came two months after America pleaded guilty before his trial was to begin.

The teenage girl, a 16-year-old track team member when the two began an affair, was in court with her mother.


Deputy Dist. Atty. Linda Groberg said that in taking advantage of a student, America had devastated the girl and her family.

The prosecutor read a letter from the mother stating that her daughter no longer trusts men. “I don’t think he should ever be placed in a position of authority again,” the mother wrote.

America, dressed in a blue blazer and khaki pants, sat beside his wife and held her hand. Afterward, he declined comment.


His attorney, Bill Maxwell, said America has been working construction jobs and has moved out of the county. Outside the courtroom after the sentencing, the defense attorney read from America’s letter.

“I do not consider myself a sexual predator, but I’ll be associated with such a title and I brought it on myself,” the letter states.

America was arrested in April 1997. Authorities accused him of having sex with the girl on at least nine days, including in an athletic equipment room at the school.
