
Police Have Mixed Views of Audit’s Conclusions

Top police officials agree with a management consultant who recommended hiring 10 new officers and six new dispatchers but stopped short of accepting some suggested organizational changes.

In a report released this week, the department gave its response to a management audit completed several weeks ago.

In the audit, the Burlingame-based firm of David M. Griffith & Associates said the department relied too heavily on overtime, straining police officers. In their response, police officials said they have applied for grants to hire more people.


It also said the department should reduce the number of investigators on the Regional Narcotics Suppression Program.

The department’s response disputed a suggestion that fewer officers be assigned to traffic accidents because “the community highly values the level of traffic police services currently provided,” the report said.

It also disagreed with recommendations to publicize trends in citizen and internal complaints, to eliminate two lieutenant positions and to replace the technical services captain with a civilian.
