
English Find a Place to Flush Cares Away

English fans left 10-12 tons of rubbish--mostly beer bottles, cans and empty cases of beer--in the streets of Toulouse after England’s game there against Romania on Monday.

And although bars were forced to close at 11 p.m. rather than the usual 3 a.m. closing time, owners said they sold twice as much beer as usual.

“If they went to the toilet and saw there was a queue, they would take a beer to help them while away the time,” one bar owner told the Toulouse newspaper Depeche du Midi.


“If you’re dealing with the English, all you need is beer and good toilets.”


FIFA cited a photograph published on a World Wide Web page to back its claim that U.S. referee Esse Baharmast was correct in ruling Brazilian defender Junior Baiano had pulled the shirt of Norwegian striker Tore Andre Flo and that Flo was entitled to a penalty kick in Tuesday’s game. Norway won, 2-1.

The call was hotly debated and no TV replay supported it, but a Swedish television crew apparently got the one picture that vindicates Baharmast.
