
Bar Might Try Clothing in Attempt to Stay Open

Facing revocation of its entertainment permit, a bar that features scantily clad waitresses may soon require its employees to cover up.

The Casbah also might tear down its stage and could even change its name.

The changes are part of a proposed agreement between the bar and city that could be signed and approved next month. As part of the agreement, the bar would keep its permit, which would allow it to offer only jukebox music and two pool tables to its customers, City Atty. Richard D. Jones said.

If the Casbah’s owner, Eric Bewley, signs the agreement, the bar would turn into “just a beer and wine bar,” Jones said. And the name change will help change its image, he added.


City Council members have considered revoking the Casbah’s permit a number of times in the past several years in response to complaints. From Jan. 26 to Dec. 11, 1997, police went to the bar 15 times in response to calls about fights and incidents involving indecent exposure, police said.

Bewley could not be reached for comment Friday, but, at a public hearing four months ago, he vowed to address the city’s concerns, saying: “I’m willing to do anything I possibly can to correct the problems.”
