
Fan Fare

Ceiling fans keep air fresh indoors. They can do the same for the air outside. Yes, outside.

Porches and patio areas sometimes need a little help to keep everything cool and bug-free. Ceiling fans help.

Hand and floor fans don’t have the blade power to sweep large areas. A ceiling model, however, can cover a large area and use as little energy as a 100-watt lightbulb.


“People aren’t satisfied with just redecorating or adding improvements to interiors,” says John Pearson, a spokesman for the Casablanca Fan Co., based in Pomona. “They’re discovering that a ceiling fan can help make outdoor areas more comfortable and attractive and add more value to their home.”

Casablanca’s Lanai fan (about $250-$300, depending on model) is perfectly suited for outdoor use. It has a UL damp rating, a heavy-duty motor, weather-resistant blades and protective finishes for all the exposed metal components, plus it’s attractive and complements several decors.

The Lanai fan can stand up to direct outdoor exposure, which makes it a good choice for an open porch or a backyard gazebo.


For more information or for the nearest retailer, call (888) 227-2178.

On the Spot

Chewing gum, tar, candle wax and crayon. When the stain is a pain to remove, Goo Gone might be the answer.

A spot remover with natural citrus oils, Goo Gone is most effective on gummy-type, fatty, resinous or petroleum-based stains. It is gentle on most types of clothing, carpet, glass, vinyl, plastic and painted surfaces. It is not recommended for leathers and suede.

“The most common use is removing stickers and price tags off picture frames, china and the like,” says Rosemarie Ascherl, spokeswoman for the MagicAmerican Corp., which makes the product. “Churches say they remove gum from pews with it, and we even had a woman write to say that she used it to remove tags off 200 trinket boxes for her son’s wedding.”


Goo Gone contains no harsh chemicals. It’s nonflammable and nontoxic, so it is safe to use around children and pets.

An 8-ounce bottle sells for about $4.50 at home centers, supermarkets and hardware stores throughout the county. For the nearest retailer, call (800) 321-6330.

Easy Access

When you need to get to plumbing or wiring quickly, Fluidmaster’s access panel will have you there in a snap.

The panel utilizes a patented spring-loaded mechanism, which permits frameless mounting from the outside. All you need to do to use the panel is measure, cut and pop it into place.

The panel is available in two sizes (about $5 for an 8-inch square; about $6 for a 14-inch square) and works in walls or ceilings up to three-quarters of an inch thick. The panel can be easily concealed by paint and wallpaper.

It is available at home improvement centers throughout the county.
