
Homicide Detective Named Top Officer

Simi Valley Det. Bill Daniels was named the department’s Police Officer of the Year.

Chief Randy Adams made the announcement Thursday after Daniels, a homicide detective and 10-year veteran, was selected by other officers for his dedication to the department, professionalism and work within the community.

Daniels joined the department as a patrol officer in 1988 after attending the Ventura County Criminal Justice Training Center.

In 1990, he was assigned to the detectives unit as a crime scene investigator and in 1992 became a detective in the robbery unit.


In 1996, Daniels moved to his current assignment as homicide detective. During his career, he has received more than 70 departmental and community citations for excellence.

Daniels has dedicated much of his free time to community causes such as the Special Olympics and Code 3 For Kids, a children’s charity he helped found.

He will receive a special commendation from the City Council next week and serve as a distinguished representative of the department for the next year.
