
Blame Should Be Aimed at Guns, Not Games

In response to the letter from Elizabeth Libby [“Video Games’ Makers Are Culpable Too,” Letters, Feb. 22], there is no question those who create the blood-and-gore games share responsibility with regard to violence and children. However, there is also the question of how the children she mentions come into possession of guns.

Many have parents or relatives who own guns. They certainly share some of the responsibility. What about gun dealers and manufacturers? What about the opposition of the National Rifle Assn. to manufacturers’ adding gun locks?

Guns are too readily available to the same children Libby is afraid are being influenced by violent video games. Personally, I would rather have a child shooting in an arcade than firing a weapon on the street, and I really wonder how many of the “children” who fire weapons out of cars in gang violence were influenced by such games.


You have to look at the other influences in their lives and environment and find ways of stopping the cycle that brings youngsters into gangs. Casting so much blame in the direction of game makers gives them too much credit and overlooks far more serious problems and causes of gun violence.


