
Further Tips on Funeral Arrangements

As director of the Department of Consumer Affairs, the agency that licenses and regulates the cemetery and funeral industries in California, I was pleased to see Kathy M. Kristof’s “Death’s No-Return Policy” [Personal Finance, Feb. 1]. She listed some excellent precautions for those making funeral and cemetery arrangements.

Your readers may also be interested in the department’s brochure “Consumer Guide to Funeral & Cemetery Purchases.” The 16-page guide, available in English and Spanish, spells out what California law does and does not require; recommends checking the license status of funeral directors, funeral homes and private cemeteries before doing business with them; and advises making price and service comparisons prior to signing a contract. It also includes information on medical donations and what to do if death occurs out of state or out of the country.

The guide is available at no charge by calling (800) 952-5210.


