
O.C.’s Welfare Initiative Lauded

Your March 15 editorial, “Welfare’s New Emphasis: Jobs,” explained that Orange County is working on finding jobs for welfare recipients.

I feel that it is a big step in the right direction to inform people of the new welfare law and try to supply jobs for them before they are taken off government assistance.

Opening up offices specifically designed to find jobs can only help the citizens of Orange County that are on welfare. I think it is admirable that the Orange County Social Services Agency is getting involved in helping people start over instead of being there “simply to hand out monthly checks,” as you stated.


Now that welfare recipients can only be supported for two continuous years at a time and no more than five in a lifetime, there is a new sense of urgency to find jobs.

I commend Orange County on setting up programs to find jobs and for taking an interest in the well-being of its residents.


