
Child Support Program Strong

I take exception to the opinions expressed by Supervisor Todd Spitzer in his March 15 letter regarding the child support program in Orange County.

I did not sabotage a pilot program to test the privatization of child support collections in Orange County. I offered to work with those interested in pursuing the concept and to develop suitable language.

In the recently released annual report for fiscal year 1996-97 issued by the California Department of Social Services, Orange County’s child support collections were second in the state, following only Los Angeles County. Our collections increased in the last two calendar years by 57%.


Other improvements cited in this report include a 59.2% increase in successful locate actions, a 17.2% increase in establishment of paternity, a 49.8% increase in establishment of support orders, a 25% increase in number of child support payments received and a 140.4% increase in wage assignment orders served. When the 1997-98 fiscal year concludes on June 30, ever-improving performance by our family support division will be reported.

The Orange County chief of the family support division was also recently recognized by the California Department of Social Services for her achievements as the “outstanding manager of 1997” in the child support program in California.

Two dozen women did testify at a child support hearing held before the Board of Supervisors in March 1997. Not heard from were the tens of thousands to whom we distributed the $90 million we collected last year. Because of our efforts, their children are provided with the necessities of life!



District attorney
