
Questions About Secession

Re “How Would Secession Affect Us,” March 22.

[Irene] Tovar asks some very interesting questions and then infers that she does not have the answers for them. Her discourse is one that Valley VOTE has heard all along from opponents in this drive to bring the true facts to the residents of the San Fernando Valley. Perhaps responding to the many invitations that Valley VOTE has extended to Tovar, so that, as a leader of the Latino community she could participate in this process, would shed some light on her questions.

I take personal exception to her supposition that this drive is because of concerns from high-income people only. Valley VOTE’s support and, indeed, its executive board, come from a myriad of ethnic backgrounds and socioeconomic levels. Valley VOTE is truly representative of the makeup of the Valley. The real question that needs to be asked is, why disparage without participating?


Chair, Outreach Committee,

Valley VOTE

Van Nuys
