
Community College Trustees

Re: “College Trustees’ Hesitation to Cut District Jobs Draws Criticism,” March 22.

The Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees did not cave in to the wants and desires of their employees not to move the Educational Services [Division] away from the district office. The reason that this motion did not pass was that the board did not do its homework and had no answers to the following questions: (1) Who would do the work of the Educational Services unit, if it were disbanded? (2) Exactly how much money would be saved by taking this action targeting the six-week period left of this fiscal year?

Board President Althea Baker made a point of saying that this motion would be revisited and that, in addition, other departments at the district office would be reviewed for possible reorganization.

While I am in favor of decentralizing the district office, it must be done with forethought and careful planning to ensure that vital services will be maintained, adequate monetary savings will be realized and that loyal district employees will be treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve.



