
California Poppies

I was amazed and perplexed when I viewed the Valley Drawingboard cartoon by J.D. Crowe on March 22. It seemed to indicate that Mother Nature may have forgotten to sprinkle the Antelope Valley with the California poppy, one of her spectacular spring flowers. The cartoon further intimated that the thousands of visitors who take the trip to the Antelope Valley and the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve would be wasting their time because they would find no poppies.

Not true! The golden flowers are becoming more and more prominent as each day passes, with huge expanses of blooms lining state Highway 14 starting near Acton and stretching all the way through the Antelope Valley. The 1,740-acre reserve reports that poppies are blooming in large numbers at the reserve and that the bloom is expected to last until mid-May if the weather remains cool. In addition to the California poppies, there are many other types of wildflowers in bloom.

Lancaster celebrates the poppy, California’s state flower, with the California Poppy Festival, which will be held this year from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. April 18-19 at Lancaster City Park.


This past weekend, close to 3,500 visitors came to view the poppies at the reserve. The 55,000 people who attended last year’s festival had a great time, and I’m certain this year will be no different.


Mayor, City of Lancaster

* Once again, The Times has permitted one of its contributors to portray the Antelope Valley in a negative light. It is very disappointing that a publication that so aggressively seeks subscribers in this area continues to insult those very subscribers.

The residents and subscribers in the Antelope Valley will see the beauty of the poppies for themselves and once again are owed an apology from The Times.



