
School Bond Votes

I support Measure W, the Moorpark school bond bill. My profession is financial advisor, and Measure W certainly has its financial reward. I believe it will benefit Moorpark and is a financially prudent decision.

However, as in my business, there is more to the overall plan than just numbers. In deciding whether this measure makes sense for our community, ask yourself what’s in it for you.

Does improving the conditions and educational opportunities of Moorpark students benefit you? Does better education for the youth of today (and the adults of tomorrow) better your community? Does having better schools in Moorpark help your property value by keeping demand high and ultimately creating higher home prices? As you can see, there is much to be gained by passage of Measure W.


I strongly believe that the passage of Measure W is in the best interests of Moorpark and will help to keep our community desirable to live in and a great place to raise our families.



* As a student at Redwood Middle School in Thousand Oaks, I know firsthand why Measure V must be passed. Measure V will cost little but benefit schools in many ways.

We still have 20-year-old computers in our labs. The roofs started leaking during the recent rains and drains clogged, flooding the locker halls. Only 33% of our classrooms have air-conditioning / heating.


If Measure V passes, we will get new, state-of-the-art computers, as well as a much-needed gymnasium. The buildings will also get new roofs and air-conditioning. We will also be able to have more equipment for our science labs. Drains will be replaced or repaired.

For all these things, you might say, “No way,” because of the cost, but guess what. The bond will only cost $24.36 per household a year for 30 years. During the whole 30 years, it will cost only $730.80.

If Measure V doesn’t pass, our schools here in the Conejo Valley will continue to fall into disrepair. We cannot ignore the dark side of our schools here in Thousand Oaks.



Thousand Oaks

* Re Measure V, (son of Q, rejected by voters in November).

Just what part of “no” does the school board not understand?

They have demonstrated totally irresponsible behavior in calling a $100,000 special election, spending more than $4,000 on banners and $5,000 on illegal mailings and fliers distributed by our children. And they want us to hand over a check for $97 million?

The Committee for Measure V has raised more than $30,000. This amount alone would have repaired many of the items that are so “desperately” needed at our schools, without having to pay out one dime of interest. There are many alternative ways to raise funds that are necessary to repair our school buildings. Scamming the public, bribing our children, going into debt for the next four decades and sticking us with a $100,000 bill for a special election is not one of them.


Thousand Oaks

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