
Firefighters Give a Vote of No Confidence for Chiefs

In the midst of a dispute over salaries and contracts, Compton firefighters overwhelmingly passed a vote of no confidence against the department’s fire chief and two battalion chiefs, officials said Friday.

In a written statement, lawyers for Compton Fire Fighters Local 2216 claim that Fire Chief Milford Fonza harassed and intimidated firefighters as they pushed to consolidate with the Los Angeles County Fire Department.

“If I say anything that he feels is detrimental to the department or him, my chief will not hesitate to fire me if he gets the chance,” said firefighter Dwayne Preston, president of the 64-member union.


Fonza could not be reached for comment. Battalion Chief James Murphy, who also received a vote of no confidence, said Fonza has greatly improved the department and that the union vote was “absurd and without foundation.”

The dispute began six months ago when firefighters tried with little success to increase their salaries by 16%. Later, they began circulating initiative petitions, seeking public support for consolidation with the county, union lawyers said.

“We’re hoping that the city takes a closer look at this,” Preston said. “We just want to be able to do what we want without being harassed.”
