
Adolfo Camarillo Named a Top School

Adolfo Camarillo High School was handed the highest award the U.S. Department of Education bestows on public and private schools this week when it was named a National Blue Ribbon School.

An honor based on academic excellence, the title is awarded annually to only 166--the top 3%--American high schools.

It is the 11th Ventura County school to win the honor since the national program began 15 years ago. The last Ventura County high school to win was Oak Park High in 1993, according to the county schools superintendent’s office.


Camarillo High Principal Terry Tackett, Oxnard Union High School District Supt. Bill Studt and English teacher Athol Wong accepted the award at a California Distinguished Schools ceremony at Disneyland on Friday.

Tackett said Adolfo Camarillo High was singled out for its high test scores, a zero dropout rate for the last two years, its safety record and programs that reach both at-risk and gifted students. He also credited community and parent support and course offerings such as Russian and Japanese, a criminal justice academy, agricultural programs, a preschool and programs for the severely handicapped.

“And the quality of our staff is the best, without question,” he said.
