
Recording Artist Will Perform

* Recording artist Gordon Jensen will perform and minister at Love International Outreach Fellowship in Ventura at the 9:20 a.m. service Sunday.

Child care will be available during the service, at 1620-A Mesa Verde Drive, behind Skating Plus. For more information, call 647-5463.

Evangelist to Give Dinner Speech

* Pastor Lane Adams, an evangelist who recorded the entire Bible on audiocassettes this year, will speak Friday at the Sheraton Four Seasons Hotel at Ventura Harbor.


Sponsored by the George Washington-Patrick Henry Supper Club series, the speech will follow a 6:30 p.m. social hour and 8:15 dinner. Music will be by Ben Shearer.

Adams has conducted crusades throughout the world with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Crusade. Adams, a minister at large for the Plymouth Rock Foundation in New Hampshire, has been minister of evangelism at the First Presbyterian Church in Hollywood.

Cost of the evening, including dinner and beverages, is $20 per person or $35 per couple. For more information, call Gail or Jerry Nordskog at 650-0848.


Temple Planning Shavuot Events

* Temple Etz Chaim of Thousand Oaks will join synagogues throughout the world May 30 in celebration of Shavuot--the Feast of Weeks. Shavuot comes seven weeks after Passover.

Students completing the temple’s 10th-grade confirmation class will gather for dinner with Rabbi and Mrs. Shimon Paskow and their teachers before the 7:30 p.m. Shavuot service. A kiddush reception will follow in the temple social hall.

On May 31, the first day of Shavuot, services will begin at 10 a.m. The Ten Commandments will be read from the Torah scroll.


On June 1, 10 a.m. services will include Yizkor memorial prayers.

Temple Etz Chaim, a congregation of 700 Conejo Valley families , is at 1080 Janss Road, Thousand Oaks. For more information, call 497-6891.

Chabad Makes Plans for Shavuot

* Chabad Community Center in Ventura will observe Shavuot in May and June with special programs.

At 7 p.m. May 30, a lecture on “The Mystical Energy of Mount Sinai” will explore the esoteric dimension of the holiday as described in the Kabbalah, Judaism’s mystical tradition, followed by 8 p.m. Shavuot eve services.

On May 31, a 10 a.m. service for adults and an 11 a.m. children’s service will start the day. The highlight of the children’s service will be a special reading of the Ten Commandments from the Torah scroll, followed by ice cream. At 7 that evening, a lecture on the Ten Commandments will precede the 8 p.m. service.

The June 1 service will begin at 10 a.m., and Yizkor, the memorial prayer, will begin at 11:30 a.m.

Chabad is at 1259 Callens Road, Suite A. For more information, call 658-7441.

Bilingual Pentecost Celebration

* Oxnard’s All Saints Episcopal Church has scheduled a special bilingual celebration of Pentecost called “Mass on the Grass” for May 31.


The congregation will gather in Oxnard’s downtown Plaza Park at 10 a.m., then parade to the church patio at 144 South C St. for a special service. Afterward, parishioners will caravan to a barbecue at Broome Ranch.

For more information, call 483-2347.

Theology Dean to Speak at Church

* International theologian and scholar Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki, academic dean of the Claremont School of Theology, will worship with St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church in Newbury Park on May 31 and then lead a discussion of her book “In God’s Presence: Theological Reflections on Prayer.”

“Dr. Suchocki’s appearance marks a unique approach to faith development and community building that links worship, study and ministry,” said St. Matthew’s pastor, Lynne Austin.

The Sunday service begins at 10 a.m. at St. Matthew’s, 1360 S. Wendy Drive. For more information, call 498-6910.

Temple’s Special Events for June

* Jewish Families of Camarillo--Temple Ner Ami will host three special events in June.

A New York Night fund-raiser June 6 will include dinner, dancing and an auction. Tickets are $85 per person.

On June 16, the temple will host an “Israel at 50” birthday celebration at 7 p.m. The event is free to members and $5 to nonmembers. Refreshments will be served.


On June 19, guest Rabbi Stuart Lasher will conduct the Shabbat service at 7:30, followed by refreshments.

All events will take place at the temple, 4098 Calle Tesoro, Suite D. For more information, call 388-3824.


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