
Found Diplomas Pose a Mystery


A husband and wife are branching out into detective work as they search for a 1978 Orange Coast College graduate whose associate degree and high school diploma they recently found in a tree.

Scotty and Barbara Ross are looking for Amber Toinette Knight, hoping to return her college degree and 1976 Newport-Mesa Unified School District diploma.

“We don’t know where she is or how to reach her, but we’d like to give these diplomas back because we suspect they contain a lot of practical and sentimental value,” Scotty Ross said.


The Rosses were visiting a Renaissance Faire in the Lake Cachuma area near Santa Barbara in September when they noticed something wedged between the trunk and branch of an oak tree. They were amazed to find the diplomas.

Adding to their surprise: The Rosses happen to work for Coast Community College District, which includes Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. Scotty is a facilities officer at Golden West College and Barbara works in the counseling office at Coastline Community College.

The couple searched college records, but so far no luck in finding Knight.

“It’s a mystery we’d like to solve,” Barbara Ross said.

Anyone who might be able to help is asked to call Scotty Ross at (714) 895-8143.
