
Girls Softball League

Los Angeles City Atty. James Hahn concludes that the West Valley Girls Softball League (WVGSL) and the American Civil Liberties Union are less interested in finding a place for softball players to play than they are in asserting their constitutional rights (“Are They Playing Ball or Playing Politics?” Nov. 8). He bases this on their refusal to use any of eight different fields offered to them. He sees irony that WVGSL, a 100% female organization, would displace coed leagues with 17% female players if it succeeds in its lawsuit against the city.

My daughter played in WVGSL and we believe we were discriminated against by them when they wouldn’t change a game scheduled for Passover in 1997.

The coach of our team was told by a Jewish WVGSL official that the game would have to be forfeited even though both teams were willing to play a makeup game. My understanding was they didn’t want to hassle with arranging for an umpire on short notice.


We didn’t press the issue, but perhaps we should have contacted the ACLU to sue the WVGSL for discrimination based on religion. It would seem that WVGSL doesn’t want to make accommodations to others, either by playing on one of the eight fields offered or by changing a game for the Jewish holidays; they wany others to do all the accommodating.

GIL L. SOLOMON, West Hills
