
Scouts to Gather for Burning of Old Flags

Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will gather at 1 p.m. Oct. 11 at Thousand Oaks Elks Lodge to burn worn-out U.S. flags in a flag retirement ceremony.

Elks Lodge 2477 has collected about 50 old flags from its members and the community, said Jerry Serota, a member of the fraternal organization. According to patriotic tradition, U.S. flags should be burned when they are too threadbare to use, Serota said.

“It’s an honorable way of disposing of old flags instead of throwing . . . them in a trash heap,” Serota said, adding that two flags will be burned during the half-hour ceremony. The rest will be retired at the crematory of Pierce Brothers Valley Oaks Park & Mortuary in Westlake Village.


The lodge, which sponsors seven Thousand Oaks scouting units, has invited the youths to participate in its ceremony for the past seven years, Serota said. The units are Explorers, Post 2929; Boy Scouts, Troop 754; Cub Scouts, Pack 3754; Senior Girl Scouts, Troop 923; Cadette Girl Scouts, Troop 783; Junior Girl Scouts, Troop 575; and Brownie Girl Scouts, Troop 161.

Richard Goldner, Scout chairman for the lodge, said he has retired more than 50 flags since he became an Eagle Scout in 1958. “There’s no question about this ceremony touching everybody’s heart and bringing back the feelings of patriotism,” Goldner said.

For more information, call (805) 496-2477.
