
Coast Trustee Candidates

Here are the candidates seeking two trustee seats with the Coast Community College District in Tuesday’s election:


(one seat)

George E. Brown

Age: 74

Occupation: Retired businessman

Background: Bachelor’s degree in business administration/accounting, UCLA; Seal Beach city councilman, 1992 to present; Seal Beach mayor, 1994-95; served on board of directors for Orange County Fire Authority and Sanitation District; chairman of finance and human resources for Sanitation District

Issues: Keep education dollars in classrooms through sound fiscal policies and accountability; make sure full-time and tenured teachers aren’t replaced with part-time instructors; make sure the public and students have access to the board by spending time with them listening to their issues


Joseph E. Ribal

Age: 67

Occupation: Educator and psychologist

Background: Bachelor’s degree in social science, Northern Illinois University; doctorate in social psychology, USC; professor of sociology and psychology at El Camino Real College and chairman of college’s Curriculum Committee; California commissioner, Board of Behavioral Science Examiners; member of several professional organizations; licensed private psychologist and marriage and family counselor

Issues: Evaluate district finances by reviewing newly adopted budget; meet informally with students to determine their education goals and evaluate programs accordingly; ensure open and cooperative board relations


(one seat)

Walter G. Howald

Age: 59

Occupation: Incumbent board president; attorney

Background: Bachelor’s in English/economics and law degree, UCLA; member of several community college committees; director, Boys and Girls Club Foundation; director, Friends of Irvine Coast


Issues: Increase funding for classrooms through bonds, lobbying, grants and allocating more revenue for teacher salaries and student aid; improve technological infrastructure to meet needs of businesses by preparing students to use workplace technology; continue district’s success in sending students to universities

John Lindgren

Age: 59

Occupation: Engineer

Background: Master’s degree in mechanical engineering, USC; recently served on board of directors of Camino Community Assn. (Corona del Mar); member of several professional organizations

Issues: Seek more board control over quality of instructors by tightening requirements; decrease number of classes and make more of them academic instead of hobby-related


Kent S. Moore

Age: 59

Occupation: Retired educator/businessman

Background: Bachelor’s in sociology/history and master’s in education, Chapman University; former instructor for Coast Community College District; member of Newport-Mesa Unified School District Task Force; member, Community Advisory Committee of Irvine Valley College; member, YMCA board and Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce; former Orange County grand juror

Issues: Ensure tax dollars benefit classroom instruction by reducing administrative costs; stop unchecked raises and trips for administrators and increase accountability; create access to upper management for staff and students and plan an “education summit”

Source: Individual candidates
