
South Orange County Community College District Candidates


Douglas M. Chapman

Age: 57

Occupation: Mechanical engineer

Background: Associate degree, Saddleback College; bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, Cal State Fullerton; board member, East Orange County Water District; recognized American Red Cross supporter

Issues: Assure accreditation for the colleges; get district off the state financial watch list; improve relations between faculty and administration

Charles W. “Pete” Maddox

Age: 50

Occupation: Business owner

Background: Former trustee and board president, Rancho Santiago Community College District; vice president and member, Dayle McIntosh Center for the Disabled; board


member, Orange County Community Development Council; member, Veterans of Foreign Wars

Issues: Restore responsible leadership to board of trustees; restore district’s fiscal and academic integrity; protect education environment from threat of an airport at El Toro

Donald P. Wagner

Age: 37

Occupation: Business attorney

Background: Bachelor’s degree, UCLA; law degree, Hastings College of Law; former president, American Lung Assn. of Orange County; founder and president, O.C. Chapter of the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy; judge pro tem, Orange County Superior Court

Issues: Bridge differences on the board; restore fiscal soundness to district; return focus to students



Leo E. Galcher

Age: 65

Occupation: Mediator/arbitrator

Background: Bachelor’s degree, Mount St. Mary’s College; master’s degree and working on doctorate in education, Rutgers University; director of New Jersey Education Assn., 20 years

Issues: Return board to its proper policy-making role; reduce level of tension on campuses; assure accreditation for the colleges

David Hill

Age: 61

Occupation: College district manager

Background: Director of physical plant, Irvine Valley College; San Clemente

resident since 1960; managed

at three districts since 1980

Issues: Heal wounds created during past two years; return board to a policy-making role; ensure district’s long-term financial stability


Nancy Padberg

Age: 60

Occupation: Attorney

Background: Bachelor’s degree in social welfare, Florida State University; master’s degree in social service administration, University of Chicago; appointed member of San Clemente Growth Management Committee

Issues: Restore fiscal control and accountability; restore district stability and classroom education quality; oppose tuition or tax increase and El Toro airport

Sources: Individual candidates
