
6 Replacement City Vehicles Will Burn Natural Gas

The city will replace six of its gasoline-powered vehicles, including police cars, with ones that run on natural gas and will build a fueling station to be used by several public agencies, according to an agreement approved Monday by the City Council.

The council unanimously authorized city officials to sign a contract with Pickens Fuel Corp. of Seal Beach to build the compressed natural-gas fueling station on Beverly Manor Road, near Fire Station No. 48. The fueling station will be owned and operated by Pickens on city land, and will provide natural gas to public vehicles at about 95 cents a gallon, minus some discounts.

The city is using a $250,000 state energy grant to help fund the project.

The fueling station also will be used by the U.S. Naval Weapons Station and possibly by other nearby cities if they buy natural-gas vehicles.


“This first step into alternative fueled vehicles is consistent with the city’s goal of building an environmentally sensitive and fuel efficient fleet,” Public Works Director Steve Badum wrote in a memo to the City Council.
