
Fund-Raiser to Help Pay for Infant’s Transplant

Friends and family of an 8-month-old boy with a rare immune-system disease will host a benefit Oct. 11 at the Back Bay Pavilion to help pay for his treatment.

Logan Threedouble suffers from severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome, commonly known as SCIDS. The boy received a bone marrow transplant Friday and the family needs money to help cover an estimated $2 million in costs, said Karen Sullivan, his aunt.

“We think this is important,” she said. “It’s a disease that not a lot of people are aware of.”


David Better, known as “the Boy in the Bubble,” is the best-known person to have suffered with the disease. He spent his life in a sterile plastic sphere to protect him from the outside world. He died at age 12 in 1984 without ever touching another human being.

Logan also is in a protective environment, Sullivan said.

“He’s in double isolation, and everyone who goes near him has to wear a space suit,” she said. “It will be that way for the next three months to see if his body accepts the transplant.”

The family will accept donations of food, prizes for a raffle drawing and silent auction, and cash.


The fund-raiser, starting at 4 p.m., includes food and entertainment.

A $25 donation is required to attend. Top Hat Productions, a catering company, is donating the party space and the meal.

Back Bay Pavilion is at 2675 Irvine Ave., suite A in Costa Mesa. Donations by mail can be made out to Logan Threedouble, 270 S. Bristol St., #101-104, Costa Mesa, 92626.

Information: (714) 241-9536 or
