
Blood Donors Sought to Relieve Shortage

A critical blood shortage in Southern California has prompted officials from the American Red Cross Blood Services to ask people throughout the region, including Ventura County, to give blood.

Spokesman Marc Jackson said the Southern California region is out of Group B blood and that Group O and platelets are at “crisis levels.”

Platelets are important to the survival of patients with clotting problems, leukemia, cancer and other diseases.


Residents are urged to call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE and scheduling an appointment to give blood. Donor centers are in Camarillo, Oxnard, Thousand Oaks and Ventura, Jackson said.

The Red Cross has less than 1% of the desired inventory of O-positive blood, 8% of O-negative blood, 11% of A-positive blood and 3% of A-negative blood. In addition to Type B, there is a special need for Group O because nearly half the population has this blood type.

Consequently, more than half the blood used by Southern California’s sick and injured is coming from out of the area. Because of the shortage, some Southern California hospitals have postponed elective surgeries.


To give blood, an individual must be at least 17, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds be in good health and not at risk for HIV/AIDS.
