
City Funding for Bowers Museum

* Santa Ana should continue to be a major supporter of the Bowers Museum of Cultural Art (March 17).

The property was left by Charles and Ada Bowers to any city in Orange County that would provide a place for people interested in history to gather to further that interest. Santa Ana chose to take up that task, and the Bowers Museum was built and opened in 1936, despite the hard times of the Depression.

As a docent at Bowers since 1991, I know the museum serves Santa Ana and Orange County, as well as the large group of people who choose to support education, the arts, and the general well-being of all citizens.


We docents contribute many hours to touring schoolchildren, adult groups and all who come to us. In addition, we go out to schools to bring the museum to children and the community with our speakers bureau.

I believe institutions such as the museum should be supported by the whole community. The arts, cultural and fine, should be supported by the largest coalition of people who care about our cultural heritage. This heritage belongs to all of us, not just a privileged few.

I want to express my support of city, county, state and private donations for museums. We need to invest in all education, and I think the city of Santa Ana has a continuing obligation that was assumed when it accepted the Bowers’ gift.



Laguna Beach

* Amazing, isn’t it? Bowers Museum begs for money and Santa Ana City Manager Dave Ream and Mayor Miguel Pulido support giving it to them.

But when a predominately Latino neighborhood asks for a much-needed traffic light near an elementary school to protect their children, as pointed out in Agustin Gurza’s column March 16, the city says it lacks the funding.

Once again our so-called leaders have their priorities out of whack. The message being sent to taxpayers is that subsidizing museums and the arts is more important than the quality of life and safety of Santa Ana residents.



Santa Ana
