
Times Honored for Business Coverage

The Los Angeles Times Business section has been named one of the nation’s best business sections by the Society of American Business Editors and Writers.

The Times was one of four papers honored for best business sections among large newspapers with circulation of 350,001 and above. The other winners in that category were the Boston Globe, Dallas Morning News and USA Today.

“It’s tough, clear-eyed and sophisticated, very much a model of what a modern business section . . . can be,” the contest judges said of The Times’ section, adding that The Times’ “coverage is broad and deep, international in scope, and compellingly rendered.”


This is the second year in a row The Times has won this honor from SABEW, which started the contest in 1995 to help set standards and recognize role models for outstanding business journalism.

In all, 18 newspapers were honored in five circulation categories. Winners in California include the Bakersfield Californian and Santa Rosa Press Democrat among newspapers with circulation under 100,000, and the Los Angeles Business Journal and San Francisco Business Times among business weeklies.
