
Linda Tripp

Re “Tripp Indicted Over Taping of Lewinsky Calls,” July 31:

I sincerely hope that the indictment of Linda Tripp will end the Clinton saga. While I am a supporter of President Clinton, I in no way condone his immature behavior. He has been punished in many ways and it is time to put an end to the Monica Lewinsky affair.

The indictment of Tripp should complete the circle. Now we have to wait and see what will happen. I do not wish to see her go to jail; however, I think [if she is found guilty] that she should be punished with a suspended sentence, probation and a fine.


Beverly Hills


Now that Tripp has been indicted for taping a “friend” who was soliciting her participation in a conspiracy to commit a felony, when can we expect the indictment of Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon, who released Tripp’s confidential file to the press so she could be trashed by the media? He violated a federal law at least as serious as the Maryland two-party taping law, which had never been enforced before.



Mission Viejo


Some people are calling Tripp a whistle-blowing heroine. She is trying to say she was trying to cover herself by taping Lewinsky’s conversations.

There were several options besides taping phone calls. If she had caller ID, don’t answer the phone if Monica calls. And if any of Monica’s calls get through, hang up!

Tripp sacrificed her concept of right and wrong--pathetic!




I neither approved of what President Clinton did nor what was made of the whole miserable debacle. I was even ambivalent about Tripp. That is, until her “I am you, you are me” speech.


I say throw the book at her. To equate her slimy behavior with my own was presumptuous. She has never made a secret of her hatred for the president and to attempt to justify her insidious actions in the name of patriotism is more than we should tolerate. Her activities put this country through misery when all the while little if any of what went on was anyone’s business.


West Covina


Tripp did the citizens of the U.S. a great favor in bringing this illegal action of the president to our attention. Tripp thought she was helping an innocent young lady who was involved in an illegal and immoral act with our duly elected president in our own public building, the White House. If Tripp had asked for a legal wiretap, who do you think would have been the first person to find out about it?


Los Angeles


It is interesting to note that in Hillary Clinton’s interview she blames Bill’s marital transgressions on his “childhood abuse” (“Hillary Clinton Explains Why She Stayed,” Aug. 2). A few months back she blamed it on a “right-wing conspiracy.” I wonder which one she really thinks it is? Or will she come up with yet another excuse later?



Huntington Beach


Hillary has apparently turned into a “Stand by Your Man” woman. Say what?


Apple Valley
