
Rising Gas Prices Spur Talk of Regulation

Robin Fields covers consumer issues for The Times. She can be reached at (714) 966-7810 and at [email protected]

As gasoline prices once again creep upward, the rhetoric is reaching a boil in Los Angeles over whether the City Council should support a state Senate bill that would allow station operators to buy gas from multiple vendors. Currently, most branded stations sign exclusive supply contracts.

Proponents--which include San Francisco, San Diego County and Tustin-based Automotive Trade Organizations of California (AuTO-CA) Inc., the trade group that represents independently owned gas stations--say the bill will drive gas prices down by creating competition between vendors.

But a coalition of oil companies, the California Chamber of Commerce, the California Manufacturers Assn., the Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce and other groups oppose the measure.


They argue that refiners would respond to the chaos of competition between dealers by setting uniform wholesale prices, erasing the regional differences that exist within California. That would be good news for places like San Francisco, where prices are the highest, but bad news for spots where gas now costs less, they say.

The Los Angeles City Council is scheduled to consider its position on the bill Sept. 7. The city’s vote is key, said Will Woods, AuTO-CA’s executive director. The senate committee that will decide the bill’s fate is loaded with Los Angeles-area members and may well follow the city’s lead, he said.
