
Gunfire Noise

Merry Christmas, Ventura Avenue!

On Dec. 14 the Ventura City Council gave you six more years of loud gun noise. Even though we had 278 of your signatures clearly stating you did not want to hear psychologically stressful gunfire, they decided to listen to outside interests and not to our own citizens.

I and several others (call us the Avenue Nine) have tried to make clear to the city that the residents we have polled do not want to hear the continuous sounds of gunfire. We have presented scientific facts to Parks and Recreation as to why gunfire can be considered a health hazard; we have submitted recordings of gunfire. We have gone to the Westside Community Council; we have gotten involved.

I believe Ventura is a good place to be. However, if I blink too long it looks like the San Fernando Valley 20 years ago and closing fast. I for one do not find that pleasing. Making decisions based on which way the wind blows or “where the dollar falls” is not being diligent to the city or its citizens.


The issue has never been guns or the right to bear arms. It is noise, the sounds of gunfire. No less important is the issue of safety and the ecology. This range sits on a piece of property called Grant Park, a 112-acre dump that is probably the greatest piece of property the city owns. If you perchance hike there, remember to raise your hand if you hike in the area of the shooting range. They say they’ve had several cease-fires for hikers who raise their hand, and no one has been shot . . . yet.

