
Planner in Line to Become Chairman

A week after surviving an ouster attempt, planning commissioner Dave Anderson could become the next chairman of the commission at its reorganization meeting tonight.

But Anderson, next in line for the spot due to his status as the ranking member of the commission who has not yet served as chairman, said last week he might decline the post for personal reasons.

“There are a lot of considerations, in that being a chairman does involve some additional commitment beyond being a normal commissioner,” Anderson said last week, shortly after the City Council turned back Mayor Linda Parks’ effort to revoke the final two years of Anderson’s term.


“I’ve been fairly active in politics for a few years now, and I’m kind of interested in slowing down a bit,” Anderson said. “What’s really weighing on my mind is that the business I run is taking off, and my children are becoming ages that I want to be around, so I have not yet made my decision.”

If Anderson does ask for the job, he very likely would still receive it. Commissioners Michael Farris and Thomas Glancy, who were sworn in recently, said they do not anticipate disrupting the normal transition for the chairman’s seat.

Meanwhile, reelected Councilman Andy Fox has not yet named his Planning Commission nominee to replace departing commissioner Ronald Polanski.


Consequently, the commission will conduct its reorganization meeting tonight without one of the members who will serve on it this year. That could prompt commissioners to delay the vote on a new chairman until the next meeting, when it can solicit the opinion of all five members.

The commission plans to host its annual reorganization reception tonight before reconvening for its biweekly business. The commission meets at 7 p.m. in the council chambers of the Civic Arts Plaza at 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd.
