
Vineyard Tips

Regarding “Martha’s Vineyard: A Summer Classic” (June 20): Although I’m a Massachusetts native (and 14-year Southern California resident), I’d never been to Martha’s Vineyard until last month. My wife and I rented a four-bedroom saltbox in Oak Bluffs and had as guests my parents and three siblings and their spouses.

We loved everything about the island and had such a great time that we were feeling a bit down after our return. So we welcomed Pamela Warrick’s article on this great island.

I had initially avoided going to the Black Dog Tavern because I thought it was just a tourist trap. I broke down, and we ended up eating lunch there twice. Like Warrick, we also loved the Bunch of Grapes bookstore and other shops in Vineyard Haven, as well as South Beach.


I’d also highly recommend a visit to the Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary, which has easy trails and lots of winged visitors, and having a pin~a colada at the Navigator Restaurant in Edgartown.


Lake Arrowhead

It might be helpful to your readers to know that there are links from the Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce Web site,, mentioned in the article, to more than a dozen island real estate agents specializing in vacation rentals. The Vineyard Gazette is a decent source for these properties, but the Web site is far more comprehensive. It’s where I found the house I’ve rented this summer.


