
Mental Health Services Changes

I have followed with interest the media coverage on the Behavioral Health (nee Mental Health) Department of Ventura County. This interest is informed in part by the fact that I have spend about 15 of my 30 years as a psychologist working in publicly funded mental health services.

The local merger, “un-merger” and discussion of who should be in charge leads me to two conclusions:

* The best way to provide these services is through a multidisciplinary treatment team. This is because humans, even the most severely mentally ill, are multifaceted, including (in alphabetical order) biological, financial, nutritional, psychological, shelter, social and spiritual needs. None of these facets is, in itself, superior to the others (except perhaps for the spiritual). It makes no sense to claim that the professional staff identified with any one of these facets should be in charge of the multidisciplinary treatment team.


* The merging, un-merging and claims as to who should be in charge are really exercises in the pursuit of power with the county bureaucracy, whether by individuals or professions.

The question remains: Who should be in charge of Behavioral (Mental) Health, whether at the community clinic or at the county level? Certainly what is called for is a combination of vision, leadership ability and compassion.

Whether the county can bring in such leadership remains to be seen. As a taxpayer who cares about the mentally ill, I will continue to follow the coverage.




I have been following the merger of the Ventura County Public Social Services Agency and the Behavioral Health Department with considerable interest. I was saddened to learn that Stephen Kaplan has been ousted from his position as director of behavioral health services.

I have been acquainted with Mr. Kaplan for many years and have worked with him on several projects. He is a person with the highest integrity in developing programs to serve people in need. He is a bright and capable leader who has developed programs many other counties have implemented.

The county of Ventura needs leaders with Dr. Kaplan’s ability and his talent to administer the departments that serve people in need. The county will be making a mistake if Mr. Kaplan is not returned to his position of leadership.


