
Term Limits and Cathie Wright

Re “Wright Not Pulling Any Punches in Final Rounds,” Feb. 21.

The best argument against term limits is the loss of a legislator like state Sen Cathie Wright (R-Simi Valley). While other public officeholders have been racing around in circles chasing partisan issues, Sen. Wright has had the courage and conviction to think for herself and support policies that benefit her constituents. Rather than strip her of her vice chair position on the Senate Budget Committee, the leadership of her party should have sought ways to strengthen her role.

It seems to me that Republicans in the California Senate should value a woman like Sen. Wright, who can reach across party lines and build consensus. That they should, instead, take a leadership position away from their lone woman member is a shocking display of outdated patriarchal political leadership.

The 51% of us Californians who happen to be women expect better treatment for the few brave women who serve in elected positions. I believe that there would be a great deal of support for Sen. Wright to wage an independent candidacy for U.S. Rep. Elton Gallegly’s congressional seat in the year 2000. A strong and independent personality like Cathie Wright’s would bring a welcome breath of fresh air to the national political scene.


