
Skills for Caregivers

A best-selling Christian author and theology professor will speak at the annual International Conference on Christian Care Thursday through Saturday at the Crystal Cathedral.

Lewis B. Smedes, professor emeritus of theology and ethics at Fuller Theological Seminary, will talk about hope at the Garden Grove church at 11 a.m. Saturday.

“We are excited to have Dr. Smedes with us this year,” said James Kok, the conference organizer and cathedral pastor. “Dr. Smedes brings a wealth of knowledge and understanding that will be of benefit to all who hear him.”


The conference is meant to provide professional caregivers and others the skills and understanding to minister to people suffering from illness, pain, grief or other distress.

Experts will offer advice at the conference, which also includes a special communion service and gala dinner event. Admission to Saturday-only events is $50; the full three-day conference is $160, or $145 per person for groups of five or more. Reservations: (714) 544-5679.
