
Hollywood Has the Ticket to Get Adults Back Into the Movies

As an adult, and a regular moviegoer, I couldn’t help but be amused by the results of your poll (“Adults Less Likely to Go to the Movies,” by Amy Wallace, March 14).

I believe that this falls into the category of a self-fulfilling prophecy. The studios make movies for teenagers, so teenagers are the ones who go to the movies. If they make movies for people whose IQ exceeds their age, maybe adults will attend.

In Orange County, adults are also faced with what I refer to as “Edwards censorship” regarding what we see. Edwards has a near monopoly on movie screens in O.C., and they dictate what we get to view.


The Edwards Cinema ad in the March 15 issue of The Times indicates about 265 screens in O.C., not counting Imax. On those 265 screens you have a choice of 22 movies, but it gets worse. Of the 22 films showing, 11 are appearing on two to five screens each around the county; the other 11 are everywhere, and they are mostly teen films.

I live in the northwest part of the county, and I had to drive to Tustin to see “Shakespeare in Love” and “Waking Ned Devine.” I had to go to Long Beach to see “Elizabeth.” A number of the films nominated for Academy Awards aren’t even playing in O.C.

If the industry wants adults in movie theaters, they had better start making movies for adults and see that they get wide distribution.



