

Burbank-based Warner Bros. has named Don Buckley to head a newly established New Media department.

Buckley, who joined Warner Bros. in 1980 as an advertising manager, helped create Warner Bros. Online in 1996. He will be reporting to Brad A. Ball, president of Warner Bros. Domestic Theatrical Marketing.

The New Media department specializes in the company’s positioning and marketing of its products on the Internet.


* SunGard Treasury Systems, Calabasas, named Gary Bishop as the first president of the 7-month-old company, a division of SunGard Data Systems Inc. of Wayne, Pa.

Bishop previously held executive positions at other SunGard companies.

SunGard Treasury develops software for financial institutions. Its parent company provides computer service and application software.

* Online music company Artistdirect of Encino has appointed Nick Turner vice president.

Before joining Artistdirect, Turner was vice president of the West Coast division of N2K’s Music Boulevard.


Artistdirect sells recordings and music-related merchandise over the Internet. It has also created online retail Web sites for artists, including the Rolling Stones and Ozzy Osbourne.
