
Head of IMF Goes to Russia for Talks on New Loans

Associated Press

The chief of the International Monetary Fund arrived Saturday for talks on new loans to Russia and said tensions over NATO bombings in Yugoslavia will not affect the negotiations.

Michel Camdessus told reporters Saturday that the IMF hopes to quickly come to an agreement on new loans for Russia.

“We’ve got a degree of optimism,” Camdessus said. “Our goal is to come to a credible agreement, which could assist your country in very difficult conditions.”


Camdessus said his talks would not be affected by the rift between Russia and the West over the Kosovo crisis. U.S., German and British planes have conducted airstrikes for four days despite Russia’s strong opposition.

Camdessus had been scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov in Washington, but the prime minister canceled the trip in midair, after learning that the NATO airstrikes were imminent.

Meanwhile, Boris N. Yeltsin’s spokesman said the president’s state of the nation address Tuesday will emphasize Russia’s continued adherence to free-market reforms.
