
October Events Bring Breast Cancer Into Focus


October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and many events are planned to foster awareness, provide health screening and raise funds to combat the disease, the most common cancer to strike women. Breast cancer will kill more than 43,000 women this year, but has more than a 90% cure rate when detected and treated early.

During October, free mammograms are available at a group of Southern California hospitals, regardless of women’s health insurance status. They can register by visiting the Web MD site at By following the link to the mammogram registration page, women can search for a facility by location and schedule an appointment online. Those without Internet access can call (800) 336-5583. Registration deadline is Oct. 29. Sponsors include Tenet Healthcare, HealthSouth Corp. and Web MD.

Events include:

* Breast Cancer Community Seminar

When: 1 to 5 p.m. Friday.

What: Presentations on alternative and combined therapies, breast-cancer prevention, ways to minimize complications of breast surgery and to live with the disease.


Special guest Nancy Achin Sullivan, women’s health activist and former Massachusetts state senator, will discuss her battle with breast cancer.

Where: Moselely-Salvatori Conference Center, Good Samaritan Hospital campus, 637 Lucas Ave., Los Angeles.

Cost: Free.

Call: (213) 977-2335.

* Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day

When: Friday-Sunday.

What, Where: Participants walk 55 miles from Santa Barbara to Malibu over three days and raise at least $1,700 (or pay the balance themselves). Each walker must attend a mandatory safety orientation and have health insurance. Walkers sleep in supplied tents in a “mobile city,” and hot meals, water, snacks, showers and medical services are included. Proceeds will go toward breast-cancer education and early-detection efforts.


Call: (888) 3DAY AVON.

* Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk

When: Sunday.

What: Participants may register and begin a 5K walk around the Rose Bowl any time between 8 and 10 a.m. Individuals and teams collect sponsorship money before event day.

Where: Rose Bowl, Pasadena.

Call: American Cancer Society for information or to volunteer, (888) 778-5900.

* Assessing Your Genetic Risk of Breast Cancer

When: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Nov. 6.

What: All-day symposium offers the latest scientific and legal information on genetic risk and testing from leading geneticists and researchers at USC, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the City of Hope as well as legal experts.

Keynote speaker: Dr. Susan Love, “Preventing Breast Cancer.”

Where: Olympic Collection, 11301 Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles.

Cost: $20 (lunch and program) before Saturday; $25 for late registration.

Call: Los Angeles Breast Cancer Alliance, (310) 399-4453.

* Komen Race for the Cure

When: Nov. 7.

What: The day’s events start with registration at 8:30 a.m., followed by a health and fitness expo at 9 a.m., and 5K run at 10:30 a.m., 5K walk at 10:35 a.m. and adult/kid one-mile fun run at 10:45 a.m., as well as live music and a breast-cancer survivors ceremony.


Where: Rose Bowl, Pasadena.

Entry fee: Adults, $20 (after Oct. 31, $25); youths and seniors, $12 (after Oct. 31, $15).

Call: Komen Race Hotline, (626) 577-2700.
