
Moved by a Portrayal of Parents’ Strength, Beauty

Thank you for the wonderfully written article about [Duane Noriyuki’s] parents (series, Oct. 24-26). I read Monday’s article, then dug the Sunday paper out of the bin to read part one.

[Noriyuki’s] writing captures and communicates a strength and beauty of the older generation. There is also a timeless rhythm in the piece, very close to the land and very quiet.


Via e-mail


My father was born here of Italian parentage, and was the intermediate generation between the stoicism and paternal silence of the foreign born and our second, more open generation. We knew he loved us, but he was very removed from the day-to-day interaction provided by our mother. He left for work very early in the morning and returned home extremely tired, happy to clean up and dive into the newspaper before dinner, looking for a little sweet silence.


He wasn’t taught to be a proactive father--his generation provided for the family, protected us and kept us safe. It was a simpler contract; no soccer coach, etc. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until we were adults that we truly knew the man. Such a waste of time.

Anyway, thank you for the series. I am moved.


