
$300,000 OKd for Family Center

The Ventura County Probation Department has agreed to funnel $300,000 to the Santa Paula Family Resource Center to help the nonprofit agency continue to provide services to youngsters at risk of dropping out of school or running into trouble with the law.

The resource center--a division of Interface Children, Family Services of Ventura County--is a one-stop clearinghouse for information, referrals and early intervention programs for Santa Paula youths and their families.

This is the second year in a row the Probation Department has funded the center at 940 E. Main St. During its first year of operation, the center provided services to more than 125 youngsters.


“We are really pleased we got refunded,” said Martin Hernandez, the program’s director. “Now we are beginning to look for other sources of money that can sustain us long-term.”

The resource center is open Mondays through Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call Hernandez at 525-6616.
