
‘Bad,’ ‘Idiotic,’ ‘Uninformed’--and That’s Not the Half of It

I’m a regular white guy who was looking forward to seeing “Price of Glory” because of itssubject matter (boxing) and star, (Jimmy Smits, whom I’m a fan of). The Latino angle meant very little to me in terms of wanting to see the film; I was neither turned off or on by that (“Was ‘Price’ Boxed In by Marketing Plan?,” April 7). I just wanted to see an involving movie.

My problem with the article--essentially another rendition of Hollywood finger-pointing around a failed film, who screwed up and how--is that it failed to identify the biggest problem with the picture: It’s a terrible movie. Unfortunately it was not just me, to which the choruses of groans and snickering by the audience at the showing I attended can attest. Much of the acting is third grade (although, to his credit, Smits survives it); the direction is sub-amateur and at times god-awful; I’ve rarely seen worse continuity and makeup; and my list goes on.

In my opinion, this is why people aren’t going to see “Price of Glory,” not because of marketing. If it was a great movie, word-of-mouth would spread and people would discover it. Unfortunately, it’s a very, very bad movie, and that’s the word-of-mouth that is spreading.



